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Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigars

One of the cigar’s most luxurious brands meets one of the cigar’s most legendary smokers in the iconic Davidoff Winston Churchill range. Discover our collection of Davidoff Winston Churchill Original and Late Hour cigars, available in singles, travel tins and larger boxes.

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Davidoff’s Winston Churchill Collection

When you think of luxury cigars, you probably think of Davidoff. The Swiss company founded by legendary tobacconist Zino Davidoff has now been at the forefront of the industry for over 100 years.

Davidoff produces some of the most sought-after cigars on the market, from their core range to their black-label discovery cigars, as well as some limited edition Davidoffs. However, arguably their most iconic label is the Winston Churchill range.

Davidoff’s Winston Churchill cigars are a homage to the UK’s great wartime leader who smoked multiple cigars per day and never liked to be caught without one close by. This range is designed to embody the variety he enjoyed in his life with bold, complex flavours.

The Winston Churchill range is divided into two categories: the white-label Original Series cigars are designed for everyday smoking, while the black-label Late Hour Series delivers a bolder flavour for evening smokes.

Davidoff’s Winston Churchill cigars are available in a range of sizes, named after various aspects of his personality. While the largest Churchill-sized Aristocrat is a favourite, the shorter Petit Pantelas are a great way to add luxury to smaller breaks during the day or evening.

Davidoff Winston Churchill Cigar Taste Profiles

The Davidoff Winston Churchill Original Series is a classic white-label Davidoff cigar experience, albeit with a more medium body compared to some of their milder smokes.

The Original Series is filled with complex, sweet notes, including creamy and nutty flavours, which harmonise with sharper notes of coffee and spice. This balance and variety means it pairs just as well with a malt whisky as it does with an Earl Grey.

Davidoff Winston Churchill The Late Hour Cigars

If you prefer a more full-bodied cigar, the Davidoff Winston Churchill Late Hour Series is packed with complex flavours and offers a higher intensity compared to the Original Series.

The Late Hour Series comes with a multi-origin blend from the Dominican Republic and Nicaragua, producing leather, spice and coffee notes complimented by hints of dark chocolate and malt. This is the perfect cigar for an evening of contemplation like the great man himself used to enjoy.

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