New Products
ADVentura Cigars
ADVentura The Royal Return Queen’s Pearls Corona Cigar – Single [December’s Cigar of the Month]
Cigars & Accessories Selections
Cohiba Cigars
Cohiba Cigars
Davidoff Limited Edition Cigars
Davidoff Year of the Snake Limited Edition 2025 Lancero Cigar – Box of 10
Davidoff Limited Edition Cigars
Davidoff Year of the Snake Limited Edition 2025 Lancero Cigar – Single
Cuban Cigar Selections
Casdagli Cigars
Havana House Exclusive Cigar Selections
Cigars Specialist
UK CIGAR MERCHANTS SINCE 1999 – The Zenith Watches Cigar Retailer of The Year 2017
Welcome to Havana House, we are a gigantic online humidor packed to the brim with everything an aficionado could need. Whether you are a novice to cigars, a grizzled connoisseur or a certified Cuban maniac, you can now sleep peacefully knowing that you have found the ultimate one-stop-shop for all things tobacco. The business was founded over 20 years ago by entrepreneur Paresh Patel. Now we operate our online store from 9 shops across the country – you can check them out here. In addition to cigars, we also procure a range of gentlemen’s products such as cut-throat razors, loose tobacco, hand crafted pipes, cigar accessories, humidors, rare blends, whisky, rum, premium lighters and much more! We pride ourselves on our unrivaled customer service. If you have any problems, don’t hesitate to contact us! See what other customers think of our service on trusted reviews